
Friday, 30 June 2017

Star Signs In Room 12 Google Drawing

Room 12 aka my class found out each others star sign so we decided to create a poster or google drawing of the results and this is what I created. Once again it's very simple but it's alright.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

My Kawa Of Care Comic Strip

Last term, We were told to create a comic strip containing some Chromebook rules on how to keep our Chromebook safe and we use pictures of students from our class. The process was fun, took me really fast tho because I decided to create a simple one which I think looks alright. 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Supporting Our Whanau Hui To Be Cybersmart

Recently on Tuesday  , Us Glen Taylor School seniors had to create a slide and show it to our parents or caregivers . The slide will show them our cyber-smart learning and what we do on our Chromebooks . If they think we're capable of doing the right thing at the right time or just looking after the Chromebook , we get to take the Chromebook home on the days they select .

Thursday, 8 June 2017

My Top Tip Cyber smart Poster

Here is my simple poster , it shows you how to go to the previous tab in the window and go to the next tab in the window, it's not much but i hope you enjoy . 💁💁

Thursday, 1 June 2017

All About Me

Hello my name is Rose , I attend Glen Taylor school as a very short year 7 . The class that I’m in is Room 12 with an amazing teacher named Miss Siale . My culture is Burmese and i live in a family with 6 members ,  my parents and my younger 3 siblings which means i’m the oldest .

As a learner i enjoy reading , writing and art . I like these subjects because i find myself in enjoyment whenever i am doing it even if whatever i’m creating is not really good. Maths is the most challenging for me because i intend to forget the strategies that my teacher teaches me . My goals for this year is to practise my maths strategies and times tables at home so i can move up another level at and another goal of mine is to get over my shyness and participate in more items and events at school.

This year i am looking forward to the challenges i’m going to be experiencing  as a senior , of course my experience is gonna be different from everyone else due to my short height but i’ll try my hardest to make it through the whole year without causing many embarrassing moments . As for my blog i’m looking forward to be sharing my learning that i put my hard work into too all the people .😂😂